


Form Builder - Fields

Markdown editor


The markdown editor allows you to edit and preview markdown content, as well as upload images using drag and drop.

use Filament\Forms\Components\MarkdownEditor;
Markdown editor


By default, the editor outputs raw Markdown and HTML, and sends it to the backend. Attackers are able to intercept the value of the component and send a different raw HTML string to the backend. As such, it is important that when outputting the HTML from a Markdown editor, it is sanitized; otherwise your site may be exposed to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

When Filament outputs raw HTML from the database in components such as TextColumn and TextEntry, it sanitizes it to remove any dangerous JavaScript. However, if you are outputting the HTML from a Markdown editor in your own Blade view, this is your responsibility. One option is to use Filament's sanitizeHtml() helper to do this, which is the same tool we use to sanitize HTML in the components mentioned above:

{!! str($record->content)->markdown()->sanitizeHtml() !!}

Customizing the toolbar buttons

You may set the toolbar buttons for the editor using the toolbarButtons() method. The options shown here are the defaults:

use Filament\Forms\Components\MarkdownEditor;

Alternatively, you may disable specific buttons using the disableToolbarButtons() method:

use Filament\Forms\Components\MarkdownEditor;

To disable all toolbar buttons, set an empty array with toolbarButtons([]) or use disableAllToolbarButtons().

Uploading images to the editor

You may customize how images are uploaded using configuration methods:

use Filament\Forms\Components\MarkdownEditor;
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