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Core Concepts - Blade Components

Section Blade component


A section can be used to group content together, with an optional heading:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Adding a description to the section

You can add a description below the heading to the section by using the description slot:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
<x-slot name="description">
This is all the information we hold about the user.
{{-- Content --}}

Adding an icon to the section header

You can add an icon to a section by using the icon attribute:

<x-filament::section icon="heroicon-o-user">
<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Changing the color of the section icon

By default, the color of the section icon is "gray". You can change it to be danger, info, primary, success or warning by using the icon-color attribute:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Changing the size of the section icon

By default, the size of the section icon is "large". You can change it to be "small" or "medium" by using the icon-size attribute:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}
<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Adding content to the end of the header

You may render additional content at the end of the header, next to the heading and description, using the headerEnd slot:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
<x-slot name="headerEnd">
{{-- Input to select the user's ID --}}
{{-- Content --}}

Making a section collapsible

You can make the content of a section collapsible by using the collapsible attribute:

<x-filament::section collapsible>
<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Making a section collapsed by default

You can make a section collapsed by default by using the collapsed attribute:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Persisting collapsed sections

You can persist whether a section is collapsed in local storage using the persist-collapsed attribute, so it will remain collapsed when the user refreshes the page. You will also need a unique id attribute to identify the section from others, so that each section can persist its own collapse state:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Adding the section header aside the content instead of above it

You can change the position of the section header to be aside the content instead of above it by using the aside attribute:

<x-filament::section aside>
<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}

Positioning the content before the header

You can change the position of the content to be before the header instead of after it by using the content-before attribute:

<x-slot name="heading">
User details
{{-- Content --}}
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