


Core Concepts - Blade Components

Link Blade component


The link component is used to render a clickable link that can perform an action:

<x-filament::link :href="route('users.create')">
New user

By default, a link's underlying HTML tag is <a>. You can change it to be a <button> tag by using the tag attribute:

New user

By default, the size of a link is "medium". You can make it "small", "large", "extra large" or "extra extra large" by using the size attribute:

<x-filament::link size="sm">
New user
<x-filament::link size="lg">
New user
<x-filament::link size="xl">
New user
<x-filament::link size="2xl">
New user

By default, the font weight of links is semibold. You can make it thin, extralight, light, normal, medium, bold, extrabold or black by using the weight attribute:

<x-filament::link weight="thin">
New user
<x-filament::link weight="extralight">
New user
<x-filament::link weight="light">
New user
<x-filament::link weight="normal">
New user
<x-filament::link weight="medium">
New user
<x-filament::link weight="semibold">
New user
<x-filament::link weight="bold">
New user
<x-filament::link weight="black">
New user

Alternatively, you can pass in a custom CSS class to define the weight:

<x-filament::link weight="md:font-[650]">
New user

By default, the color of a link is "primary". You can change it to be danger, gray, info, success or warning by using the color attribute:

<x-filament::link color="danger">
New user
<x-filament::link color="gray">
New user
<x-filament::link color="info">
New user
<x-filament::link color="success">
New user
<x-filament::link color="warning">
New user

You can add an icon to a link by using the icon attribute:

<x-filament::link icon="heroicon-m-sparkles">
New user

You can also change the icon's position to be after the text instead of before it, using the icon-position attribute:

New user

You can add a tooltip to a link by using the tooltip attribute:

<x-filament::link tooltip="Register a user">
New user

You can render a badge on top of a link by using the badge slot:

Mark notifications as read
<x-slot name="badge">

You can change the color of the badge using the badge-color attribute:

<x-filament::link badge-color="danger">
Mark notifications as read
<x-slot name="badge">
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