



Upgrading from v1.x

If you see anything missing from this guide, please do not hesitate to make a pull request to our repository! Any help is appreciated!

High impact changes

Property and method changes to resource and page classes

Changes to Resource classes

The Filament\Resources\Forms\Form class has been renamed to Filament\Resources\Form.

The Filament\Resources\Tables\Table class has been renamed to Filament\Resources\Table.

The following properties and method signatures been updated:

protected static ?string $label; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?string $model; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?string $navigationIcon; // Renamed from `$icon`. Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?string $navigationLabel; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?int $navigationSort; // Protected the property. Added the `?int` type.
protected static ?string $recordTitleAttribute; // Renamed from `$primaryColumn`. Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?string $slug; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
public static function form(Form $form): Form; // Added the `Form` return type.
public static function table(Table $table): Table; // Added the `Table` return type.
public static function getRelations(): array; // Renamed from `relations()`. Added the `array` return type.
public static function getPages(): array; // Renamed from `routes()`. Added the `array` return type.

The syntax for registering pages in getPages() (formerly routes()) has been updated:

public static function getPages(): array
return [
'index' => Pages\ListUsers::route('/'),
'create' => Pages\CreateUser::route('/create'),
'edit' => Pages\EditUser::route('/{record}/edit'),

Changes to List page classes

The following properties and method signatures been updated:

protected static string $resource; // Protected the property. Added the `string` type.

Changes to Create page classes

The following properties and method signatures been updated:

protected static string $resource; // Protected the property. Added the `string` type.

Changes to Edit page classes

The following properties and method signatures been updated:

protected static string $resource; // Protected the property. Added the `string` type.


The entire Filament\Resources\Forms namespace has been moved to Filament\Forms.

The when(), only() and except() methods have been removed. You may now pass a closure to any field configuration method, for example hidden(), which determines if the method should be applied. For more information, please see the advanced forms documentation;


The dependable() method has been renamed to reactive(), to better describe its effects.

The helpMessage() method has been renamed to helperText().


The stacked() method has been removed, and replaced with inline(false).


The emptyOptionsMessage() method has been renamed to searchPrompt().

Tags input

The tags input component now writes to a JSON array by default. To continue using the old behavior, use separator(',') method.


The stacked() method has been removed, and replaced with inline(false).

Layout components


The form components within the fieldset now need to be in their own schema() method, instead of being passed into make().


The form components within the grid now need to be in their own schema() method, instead of being passed into make().


The form components within the section now need to be in their own schema() method, instead of being passed into make().


The Filament\Resources\Forms\Tab component has been moved to Filament\Forms\Tabs\Tab.

The form components within each tab now need to be in their own schema() method, instead of being passed into make().


The entire Filament\Resources\Tables namespace has been moved to Filament\Tables.

The only() and except() methods have been removed. You may now pass a closure to any column or filter configuration method, which determines if the method should be applied.


Column class names now have Column at the end, for example TextColumn not Text.

The currency() method has been renamed to money().

The formatUsing() method has been renamed to formatStateUsing(). It now accepts a $state parameter, instead of $value.

The getValueUsing() method has been renamed to getStateUsing().

The primary() method has been removed from columns. All columns link to the record page by default unless another URL or action is specified for that column.


The filter class has been moved from Filament\Resources\Tables\Filter to Filament\Tables\Filters\Filter.

Filters now have a dedicated query() method for applying the query, instead of using the second parameter of the make() method. For more information, check out the table builder filters documentation.

The apply() method of reusable filters must now have the following signature:

public function apply(Builder $query, array $data = []): Builder
// ...

Published configuration updates

If you've published the v1.x filament.php configuration file, you should republish it:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-config --force

If you had customized the path, domain or default_filesystem_disk, you should update the new file with these changes. If you're using .env variables for these settings, you won't need to make any changes when upgrading, and you may even choose to delete filament.php.


Filament v2.x does not include a dedicated filament_users table as it did in v1.x. By default, all App\Models\Users can access the admin panel locally, and in production you must apply the FilamentUser interface to the model to control admin access. You can read more about this here.

Recommended: Are you using the filament_users table, but would like to switch to App\Models\User?

First, you'll need to copy the old migrations to your app, to ensure that Laravel does not complain about them missing:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class CreateFilamentUsersTable extends Migration
public function up(): void
Schema::create('filament_users', function (Blueprint $table): void {
public function down(): void
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class CreateFilamentPasswordResetsTable extends Migration
public function up(): void
Schema::create('filament_password_resets', function (Blueprint $table): void {
public function down(): void

Create a migration to drop the filament_users and filament_password_resets tables:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class DropFilamentUsersAndFilamentPasswordResetsTables extends Migration
public function up(): void

Are you using the filament_users table, and would like to continue using it?

To keep the filament_users and filament_password_resets tables in your app, you'll need to copy the old migrations and model into your app.

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class CreateFilamentUsersTable extends Migration
public function up(): void
Schema::create('filament_users', function (Blueprint $table): void {
public function down(): void
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
class CreateFilamentPasswordResetsTable extends Migration
public function up(): void
Schema::create('filament_password_resets', function (Blueprint $table): void {
public function down(): void
namespace App\Models;
use Filament\Models\Contracts;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class FilamentUser extends Authenticatable implements Contracts\FilamentUser, Contracts\HasAvatar
protected $guarded = [];
protected $hidden = [
public function canAccessFilament(): bool
return true;
public function getFilamentAvatarUrl(): ?string
return $this->avatar;

Are you already using App\Models\User?

  1. Remove the IsFilamentUser trait from the model.
  2. Remove the $filamentUserColumn property if you use them. Instead, control admin access with canAccessFilament().
  3. If you have a canAccessFilament() method, add a bool return type to it.
  4. Remove the $filamentAdminColumn and $filamentRolesColumn properties, and isFilamentAdmin() method, if you use them. Filament now only uses policies for authorization, so you may implement whichever roles system you wish there. We recommend spatie/laravel-permission.

Medium impact changes

Relation managers

HasMany relation manager classes should now extend Filament\Resources\RelationManagers\HasManyRelationManager. MorphMany relation manager classes should now extend Filament\Resources\RelationManagers\MorphManyRelationManager. BelongsToMany relation manager classes should now extend Filament\Resources\RelationManagers\BelongsToManyRelationManager.

The Filament\Resources\Forms\Form class has been renamed to Filament\Resources\Form.

The Filament\Resources\Tables\Table class has been renamed to Filament\Resources\Table.

The following properties and method signatures been updated:

protected static ?string $inverseRelationship; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?string $recordTitleAttribute; // Renamed from `$primaryColumn`. Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static string $relationship; // Protected the property. Added the `string` type.

Filament\Filament facade renamed to Filament\Facades\Filament

You should be able to safely rename all instances of this class to the new one.


Filament now only uses policies for authorization, so you may implement whichever roles system you wish there. We recommend spatie/laravel-permission.

You may remove any roles from the App\Filament\Roles directory, and delete any authorization() methods on your resources.

Low impact changes

Filament::ignoreMigrations() method removed

Since Filament doesn't have any migrations anymore, you don't need to ignore them.

Property changes to custom page classes

The following properties and method signatures been updated:

protected static ?string $title; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?string $navigationLabel; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.
protected static ?string $slug; // Protected the property. Added the `?string` type.

Theming changes

The theming system has entirely changed, to add support for Tailwind JIT's opacity features, which don't support static color codes.

Follow the instructions on the appearance page to find out how to compile your own Filament stylesheet.

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