


Admin Panel

Custom Pages

Filament allows you to create completely custom pages for the admin panel.

To create a new page, you can use:

php artisan make:filament-page Settings

This command will create two files - a page class in the /Pages directory of the Filament directory, and a view in the /pages directory of the Filament views directory.

Page classes are essentially Laravel Livewire components with custom integration utilities for use with Filament.


You may create roles for users of Filament that allow them to access specific pages. You may create a Manager role using:

php artisan make:filament-role Manager

Administrators will now be able to assign this role to any Filament user using the admin panel.

To only allow users with the Manager role to access this page, declare so in the static authorization() method:

use App\Filament\Roles;
public static function authorization()
return [

You may authorize as many roles as you wish.

Please note: administrators will always have full access to every page in your admin panel.

You may want to only deny users with the Manager role from accessing this page. To do this, you may use the static deny() method instead:

use App\Filament\Roles;
public static function authorization()
return [


Filament will automatically generate a title, navigation label and URL (slug) for your page based on its name. You may override it using static properties of your page class:

public static $label = 'Custom Navigation Label';
public static $slug = 'custom-url-slug';
public static $title = 'Custom Page Title';
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