



Database notifications

To start, make sure the package is installed - @livewire('notifications') should be in your Blade layout somewhere.

Before we start, make sure that the Laravel notifications table is added to your database:

php artisan notifications:table

If you're using PostgreSQL, make sure that the data column in the migration is using json(): $table->json('data').

If you're using UUIDs for your User model, make sure that your notifiable column is using uuidMorphs(): $table->uuidMorphs('notifiable').

First, you must publish the configuration file for the package.

Inside the configuration file, there is a database key. To enable database notifications:

'database' => [
'enabled' => true,
// ...

Database notifications will be rendered within a modal. To open this modal, you must have a "trigger" button in your view. Create a new trigger button component in your app, for instance at /resources/views/notifications/database-notifications-trigger.blade.php:

<button type="button">
Notifications ({{ $unreadNotificationsCount }} unread)

$unreadNotificationsCount is a variable automatically passed to this view, which provides it with a real-time count of the number of unread notifications the user has.

In the configuration file, point to this new trigger view:

'database' => [
'enabled' => true,
'trigger' => 'notifications.database-notifications-trigger',
// ...

Now, simply move the @livewire('notifications') component to the position in your HTML that you wish to render the database notifications trigger button. It should appear, and open the database notifications modal when clicked!

Sending notifications

There are several ways to send database notifications, depending on which one suits you best.

You may use our fluent API:

use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
$recipient = auth()->user();
->title('Saved successfully')

Or, use the notify() method:

use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
$recipient = auth()->user();
->title('Saved successfully')

Alternatively, use a traditional Laravel notification class by returning the notification from the toDatabase() method:

use App\Models\User;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
public function toDatabase(User $notifiable): array
return Notification::make()
->title('Saved successfully')

Receiving notifications

Without any configuration, new database notifications will only be received when the page is first loaded.


Polling is the practice of periodically making a request to the server to check for new notifications. This is a good approach as the setup is simple, but some may say that it is not a scalable solution as it increases server load.

By default, the configuration file polls for new notifications every 30 seconds:

'database' => [
'enabled' => true,
'polling_interval' => '30s',
// ...

You may completely disable polling if you wish:

'database' => [
'enabled' => true,
'polling_interval' => null,
// ...


Alternatively, the package has a native integration with Laravel Echo. Make sure Echo is installed, as well as a server-side websockets integration like Pusher.

Once websockets are set up, after sending a database notification you may emit a DatabaseNotificationsSent event, which will immediately fetch new notifications for that user:

use Filament\Notifications\Events\DatabaseNotificationsSent;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
$recipient = auth()->user();
->title('Saved successfully')
event(new DatabaseNotificationsSent($recipient));

Opening the notifications modal

Instead of rendering the trigger button as described above, you can always open the database notifications modal from anywhere by dispatching an open-modal browser event:

x-on:click="$dispatch('open-modal', { id: 'database-notifications' })"
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