


Admin Panel - Dashboard

Getting started

Filament allows you to build dynamic dashboards, comprised of "widget" cards, very easily.

Widgets are pure Livewire components, so may use any features of that package.

Widgets may also be used on resource pages or other custom pages.

Available widgets

Filament ships with a few pre-built widgets, as well as the ability to create custom widgets:

  • Stats widgets display any data, often numeric data, within cards in a row.
  • Chart widgets display numeric data in a visual chart.
  • Table widgets render data in a table, which supports sorting, searching, filtering, actions, and everything else included within the table builder.

You may also create your own custom widgets.

Sorting widgets

Each widget class contains a $sort property that may be used to change its order on the page, relative to other widgets:

protected static ?int $sort = 2;

Customizing widget width

You may customize the width of a widget using the $columnSpan property. You may use a number between 1 and 12 to indicate how many columns the widget should span, or full to make it occupy the full width of the page:

protected int | string | array $columnSpan = 'full';

Responsive widget widths

You may wish to change the widget width based on the responsive breakpoint of the browser. You can do this using an array that contains the number of columns that the widget should occupy at each breakpoint:

protected int | string | array $columnSpan = [
'md' => 2,
'xl' => 3,

This is especially useful when using a responsive widgets grid.

Customizing the widgets grid

You may change how many grid columns are used to display widgets.

Firstly, you must replace the original Dashboard page.

Now, in your new app/Filament/Pages/Dashboard.php file, you may override the getColumns() method to return a number of grid columns to use:

protected function getColumns(): int | array
return 3;

Responsive widgets grid

You may wish to change the number of widget grid columns based on the responsive breakpoint of the browser. You can do this using an array that contains the number of columns that should be used at each breakpoint:

protected function getColumns(): int | array
return [
'md' => 4,
'xl' => 5,

This pairs well with responsive widget widths.

Conditionally hiding widgets

You may override the static canView() method on widgets to conditionally hide them:

public static function canView(): bool
return auth()->user()->isAdmin();

Disabling the default widgets

By default, two widgets are displayed on the dashboard. These widgets can be disabled by updating the widgets.register property of the configuration file:

'widgets' => [
// ...
'register' => [],

Custom widgets

To get started building a BlogPostsOverview widget:

php artisan make:filament-widget BlogPostsOverview

This command will create two files - a widget class in the /Widgets directory of the Filament directory, and a view in the /widgets directory of the Filament views directory.

Customizing the dashboard page

If you want to customize the dashboard class, for example to change the number of widget columns, create a new file at app/Filament/Pages/Dashboard.php:

namespace App\Filament\Pages;
use Filament\Pages\Dashboard as BasePage;
class Dashboard extends BasePage
// ...

Finally, remove the original Dashboard class from the configuration file:

'pages' => [
// ...
'register' => [],
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